понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dessert cafes vancouver

I think people believe in god or have a religion for a sense of reason, because without one or the other everything really is pointless. I dont believe in god or have a religion, so everything i do has no reason. Why go to school? To get good grades? Why get grades? To go to college? Why go to college? To be smart? Why be smart? To get somewhere in life? Why get anywhere in life? Whatapos;s the point? Were all gonna die anyways... So whatapos;s the point? HONESTLY, give me one good reason to do anything other than things that make you happy. Things that give you pleasure. Law prohibits a lot, so Iapos;ll stay in school. And yeah, Iapos;ll probably go to college, to make my parents feel like they havenapos;t failed. But after that, Iapos;ll get a job to have food to eat and a place to stay and alcohol to drink... Ha. But why should i do this? does it make me happy? Is it what I want? maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? Who knows anything? Do we know anything? Scientist prove things, for what? Just to say I proved so and so. Itapos;s ridiculous. Just sayin......
dessert cafes vancouver, dessert cafes, dessert cafe toronto, dessert cafe philadelphia.

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