пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

definition interest rate derivatives

Okay, so i havenapos;t gotten political blogging-wise in quite some time. Perhaps, ever? i dunno. Anyway, iapos;m doing it. And iapos;m not opening this up for debate, so if you run across this and feel the need to express your opinion, youapos;re welcome, but no bashing.

iapos;ll start with joe the plumber. If you havenapos;t seen the clip, go watch the full thing on youtube. What i see is barack obama eloquently and respectfully addressing the man. He clearly explains his plan but doesnapos;t bash the guy for disagreeing. I thought it was well handled. But apparently heapos;s destroying the american dream?�by raising taxes on the rich so that we can lower taxes on the not-so-rich?

i love all the arguments against this. My favourite is that weapos;re taking away their hard earned money and giving it to people that we donapos;t know are working hard. Because we totally know youapos;re working hard and not letting other people do the work because youapos;re rich. There will be people who cheat the system. There are always going to be people to cheat every system. But to punish everyone for the irresponsibility of a few, thatapos;s just plain dumb. And yeah, i think we should spread the wealth. Iapos;m not talking about taking everyoneapos;s money and redistributing it equally. I mean taxing those that are more successful more than those that are struggling. Guess what?�weapos;re all working hard. But we are not fucking puritans. We need to get over the whole protestant work ethic bullshit. Hard work isnapos;t everything. Itapos;s important, yes, but there are other factors to success. Like it or not, success also depends on talent, luck, and the privileges you are born with or without. Sure, there are people who overcome the odds and make it despite every disadvantage, but they are the exception, not the rule.

the lack of compassion really kills me. There are people out there struggling. What does it matter why?�so this person was lazy. They didnapos;t work hard, and now theyapos;re stuck unable to afford food to put on the table. Are we really just going to let them starve?�because if we do, thatapos;s really fucked up.�

hereapos;s the bottom line:�everyone makes mistakes. Some people make bigger mistakes than others. But we all have to live in this world together, and if we canapos;t be bothered to give even a little to help out those less fortunate, i think thatapos;s pretty damn sad.

on the issue of sarah palin--i had no idea that people actually liked her. I mean, sheapos;s nuts, right? not only is she completely ignorant on ..well, everything, sheapos;s kind of a psycho. Like charging people for rape kits. Trying to get the polar bear off the endangered species list so she can build on their habitats. Troopergate. I mean, really? people still think sheapos;s cool?�

i donapos;t hate john mccain. Yes, my hardcore democrat readers, gasp in shock. But heapos;s not that bad. Sure, he wants to continue bushapos;s crappy policies, but i have a feeling heapos;s just saying a lot of this to get elected, since he was a big critic of bush a few years ago. But the vice president means a lot, since if mccain dies, she becomes president. And sarah palin running our country--i might flee. Pack my bags and move to europe, where socialism is cool and alcohol flows freely from the tap into teenage hands..mmm. Paradise. :)

i donapos;t really have strong feelings about biden. I think heapos;s a safe bet. Competent, experienced, not a lunatic. These are important qualities in a vice president.

on a less related note, i have friends who wonapos;t be voting for obama because heapos;s black. And because they think if he gets elected, the black people will rub it in all of our faces. Umm, what?�seriously?�iapos;m not saying that i have never said racist things before. I largely think the northeast is "less" racist than the south because there are fewer minorities here..and less culture clashing altogether. It can be tough in georgia. Thereapos;s so much self-segregation. Itapos;s a shame, really. But the race issue has to be about the dumbest reason not to vote for someone ever. It really frustrates me.

also, on the race note, i heard someone bitching lately because some blog said that tan was out. And that tan was their natural skin tone and now theyapos;re out?�uhh, clearly not. White people have had this obsession with being tan lately. And thatapos;s not so good, because itapos;s really damaging to the skin of pale people to tan like crazy. I know, iapos;ve done it. And iapos;m over it. Pale is pretty. But different ethnic groups have different standards of beauty. Darker skin colours tend to want to make their skin lighter, which is also damaging. Everyone should just learn to love what theyapos;ve got. Itapos;s all natural, and natural is beautiful. So my rant here is that saying that pale can be pretty is not racist. And seriously, weapos;ve all gotta stop throwing the race card at everything.

woo controversial post iapos;d say sorry if iapos;ve offended you, except that iapos;m not. Iapos;m getting really sick of this stupid election and all of the shit itapos;s dragging up and i wanted to vent about it so i can move on. Itapos;s likely that more rants are to come. Because itapos;s not over yet...ugh.

bob car day joke park, definition interest rate derivatives, definition interest rate parity, definition interest rate risk, definition interest rate swap.

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