понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I think people believe in god or have a religion for a sense of reason, because without one or the other everything really is pointless. I dont believe in god or have a religion, so everything i do has no reason. Why go to school? To get good grades? Why get grades? To go to college? Why go to college? To be smart? Why be smart? To get somewhere in life? Why get anywhere in life? Whatapos;s the point? Were all gonna die anyways... So whatapos;s the point? HONESTLY, give me one good reason to do anything other than things that make you happy. Things that give you pleasure. Law prohibits a lot, so Iapos;ll stay in school. And yeah, Iapos;ll probably go to college, to make my parents feel like they havenapos;t failed. But after that, Iapos;ll get a job to have food to eat and a place to stay and alcohol to drink... Ha. But why should i do this? does it make me happy? Is it what I want? maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? Who knows anything? Do we know anything? Scientist prove things, for what? Just to say I proved so and so. Itapos;s ridiculous. Just sayin......
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I was leaving a summertime festival, walking down a street amongst a crowd. In the crowd I ran into a person from my past. Someone I went to school with that shall be referred to as Bubba. Bubba was a older, larger vulgar brute. He got into many fights and caused much trouble to say the least. He however had a friendliness towards me. If someone gave me shit heapos;d be all "Nah lay off, Liamapos;s cool".
He was of similar mindset upon meeting him again here, but for some reason just as a one off friendly spar, he wanted to fight me. If I was to cop a blow from Bubba I would be flattened and hospitalized I declined but Bubba persisted. So I darted onwards through the crowd with my small group of friends. Came to the car and i hurried everyone into it to get away before Bubba caught up.
I drove off along the narrow one way street back the other way. The crowd was spilling out onto the street and I had to really push on through them to get away, incase i was spotted.
We all went to town after the festival and I next found myself in a brightly lit white bar, small and with a large curved window on the street side.
I told the others that itapos;s probably not a good idea that we were in such a place as if Bubba were to walk past, I would be seen and could get myself into trouble again. However, in the brightness of the bar it felt like somewhat of a safe zone, so we remained.
Soon a fight broke out in the next room, further in from the street. I didnapos;t see the fight itself but there was people rushing over to see what was happening. It erupted furthermore in that room and eventually, when the chaos resided a bit, I went to have a look around the corner at the aftermath.
What I was faced with was the most gruesome scene imaginable. There was but one person remaining in the warzone. This was the sorry victim of the horror. He sat squatting down, head lowered, in the middle of the room. Swaying gently back and forth, traumatized to an extent surely beyond anything I could comprehend. He wore full body hooded overalls in a light brown colour that formed a straight jacket at the arms. Covering his face was a high tech looking gas mask type thing with a red visor on the eyes. As if stained by the visions of gore that had just unfolded. Arcing out from behind the man, staining the beige carpet, was trails of splashed blood interlaced with deep red chunks of internal organs. Coming out of the back of the man, not on the floor but hanging across the room like power lines, and resembling twisted gore formed angel wings were bloody dripping entrails.
Paramedics had started to descend on the scene. But not regular paramedics. These were wearing high tech biohazard suits, as was understandably needed for a scene of such extreme trauma.

I was driving east down Grenfell Steet, away from the slaughter. My friend Luke was in the passenger seat, others were in the back. Out of the blue, he pushed me out the car door. I was fine, but what the fuck I stood up and watched a crash-landing style parking attempt as control of the car was fought for by Luke from the passenger side of the car. Apparently it was all done just for fun... I was outraged

I was at Enigma bar and it was getting rather late. My car was now parked by Hindmarsh Square. Bit of a walk to get over to it and I didnapos;t fancy going there alone in the dark, dangerous streets of the night. I ran into a friend of mine Leo, and his wife Lisa. They were just about leaving and I asked for a ride. Leo was happy to drop me home. I said just to my car was fine. We werenapos;t leaving immediately and I started talking to a girl sitting on a couch i know as a bartender from another favourite pub of mine.

I next was in Citi Centre Arcade near Hindmarsh Square, socializing late in the night. I was there for some time when I noticed a girl I know had borrowed my phone to send messages (apparently she had ran out of credit). I grabbed it back off her and realized that Leo had been trying to contact me for my ride home. He most surely would have left by now. However I was much closer to my car now, so no big deal Iapos;ll walk the short distance. I went to leave and Steph was outside sitting by herself crying. I went over to console her and inform her I was leaving. She told me how she was somewhat stranded, and being upset as she was she shouldnapos;t be left alone. I told her she could come back with me, and also she could show me some online videos she wanted me to see regarding a apos;religiousapos; group she just became part of that had groundbreaking new ideas about the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
We went around to say goodbye to whoever we knew that was remaining there. Saw Adam, Annie and Jarred (who had just rocked up in town for the morning, all dressed in a business suit and apparently going to buy comics). Told the all of the story of Luke pushing me out the car while i was driving earlier.
So me and Steph walk out and along the paved side of the square there were couples lying next to each other. On the grassy area to our left was pairs of kickboxers practicing their sparring.
Walking across Grenfell Street I had trouble seeing my car. Shit Luke didnapos;t lock the doors and someone has stolen it I thought My first thoughts were damn Iapos;ve lost 2 cd wallets of music
However, the car hadnapos;t been stolen, it was there where it had been left, but was hidden behind a van. I walk up closer and shit thereapos;s someone sitting in the drivers seat It was Leeroy, the singer from local band Double Dragon, who had now taken on the role of Bubba. The one that wanted to fight me from earlier.
I kept walking, quickening my pace. I donapos;t think I was noticed. I reassured Steph that itapos;d be fine, just a minor setback. We walked right around the square as I saw Leeroy now practicing fly kicks on the footpath (like in the video game Double Dragon). I headed into the police station to report the incident.
Inside it was much smaller than I had imagined. Just one small room with surveillance equipment. Others were in there trying to get assistance also. Obviously an eventful night for all. The few officers in there werenapos;t assisting too much as they were preoccupied with their equipment. Jarred, Adam and Annie walked in also, they had come in to find out what the deal was with the small helicopters that suddenly had appeared all over town. I looked out the window to see one at the intersection. It hovered around like a dragonfly. Coming close to the ground, darting around and surveying the surroundings.

I went around to visit my parents and by my car that was parked at the end of the road sideways. I spoke to my mum who stood to my right, towards the house. I spoke to her about all the shit Iapos;d been through the previous night, the damage to my car from Lukeapos;s stunt and all that.
My dad then is reversing his vehicle. And for a bit of background, my dad had joined a new cult/religion that believe there is more to matter than meets the eye. Details uncertain, but thereapos;s vast worlds of space and time residing in the simplest of things. For example i stared down onto a keyboard and between the keys there was great depth and a vast star field could be seen. One could fall into it and never hit the ground. It seems the cult was about shaking off the laws of physics and such that could be somewhat unbound from reality. My dad was trying to get me into the cult, i refused and challenged him to give me one example of any scientific evidence that can back itapos;s claims. He couldnapos;t come up with one.
Anyway, so the effects of the cult were impairing his judgment and perception of reality. And he backed his vehicle into the side of my car, denting it severely. After that it was just about all too much and I nearly broke into tears
Dad came out and apologized, saying heapos;d pay for all the repairs. Apparently being a senior member of the cult was financially rewarding. Dad then got on my car roof and was preaching to me about the cult. I snapped at him and told him how disgusted I was by religious or otherwise fundamentalists that preach their bullshit and force it on others as it really isnapos;t what the listener is interested in hearing, and if the ideas had such great credibility a they supposedly had, then they wouldnapos;t need to be jammed down the throats of others.
Dad got angry at me and took a step forwards. I lashed back and got him on a back foot. Saying something like all the unscientifically founded bullshit was pointless in real terms because it was damaging to what should stand up in importance above all, ie family relations as mum and the rest of us were not followers of the cult.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

anointing sign

HEllo everybody

Whee haha my first post. Finally got the password correct.

I havent blogged in a super long while so this is my first post in years i think 2 years to be exact.. Haha very long right. Man this emoticon is funny..

hmm anyway what song we gonna sing hur? jenzi you said you thought of something but nver say what...

oh yes i shall fill yall in on what happened when me and jojo played soccer on the ps2. Haha. Okok.
jenziapos;s brother helped us set up the thing then me and jo played against each other. I chose AC�MILAN and jo chose some weird team that had pink jerseys... They looked rather gay.
haha at first we both totally cmi... We kept kicking the ball out. Throw in also can throw out lor.. The first half of the match was 0-0. And we both got a bit sian. Then after that i dunno how but i scored a goal haha the thing kept replaying and we didnt know how to get out of the replay thing.. Haha so we stopped after that one game and spent a while thinking how to quit the thing.. So in the end we just went back to the main menu and offed it. I hope that ps2 works like an xbox cos thats what i usually do with mine.. Heh it nver spoil right jenzi..

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

definition interest rate derivatives

Okay, so i havenapos;t gotten political blogging-wise in quite some time. Perhaps, ever? i dunno. Anyway, iapos;m doing it. And iapos;m not opening this up for debate, so if you run across this and feel the need to express your opinion, youapos;re welcome, but no bashing.

iapos;ll start with joe the plumber. If you havenapos;t seen the clip, go watch the full thing on youtube. What i see is barack obama eloquently and respectfully addressing the man. He clearly explains his plan but doesnapos;t bash the guy for disagreeing. I thought it was well handled. But apparently heapos;s destroying the american dream?�by raising taxes on the rich so that we can lower taxes on the not-so-rich?

i love all the arguments against this. My favourite is that weapos;re taking away their hard earned money and giving it to people that we donapos;t know are working hard. Because we totally know youapos;re working hard and not letting other people do the work because youapos;re rich. There will be people who cheat the system. There are always going to be people to cheat every system. But to punish everyone for the irresponsibility of a few, thatapos;s just plain dumb. And yeah, i think we should spread the wealth. Iapos;m not talking about taking everyoneapos;s money and redistributing it equally. I mean taxing those that are more successful more than those that are struggling. Guess what?�weapos;re all working hard. But we are not fucking puritans. We need to get over the whole protestant work ethic bullshit. Hard work isnapos;t everything. Itapos;s important, yes, but there are other factors to success. Like it or not, success also depends on talent, luck, and the privileges you are born with or without. Sure, there are people who overcome the odds and make it despite every disadvantage, but they are the exception, not the rule.

the lack of compassion really kills me. There are people out there struggling. What does it matter why?�so this person was lazy. They didnapos;t work hard, and now theyapos;re stuck unable to afford food to put on the table. Are we really just going to let them starve?�because if we do, thatapos;s really fucked up.�

hereapos;s the bottom line:�everyone makes mistakes. Some people make bigger mistakes than others. But we all have to live in this world together, and if we canapos;t be bothered to give even a little to help out those less fortunate, i think thatapos;s pretty damn sad.

on the issue of sarah palin--i had no idea that people actually liked her. I mean, sheapos;s nuts, right? not only is she completely ignorant on ..well, everything, sheapos;s kind of a psycho. Like charging people for rape kits. Trying to get the polar bear off the endangered species list so she can build on their habitats. Troopergate. I mean, really? people still think sheapos;s cool?�

i donapos;t hate john mccain. Yes, my hardcore democrat readers, gasp in shock. But heapos;s not that bad. Sure, he wants to continue bushapos;s crappy policies, but i have a feeling heapos;s just saying a lot of this to get elected, since he was a big critic of bush a few years ago. But the vice president means a lot, since if mccain dies, she becomes president. And sarah palin running our country--i might flee. Pack my bags and move to europe, where socialism is cool and alcohol flows freely from the tap into teenage hands..mmm. Paradise. :)

i donapos;t really have strong feelings about biden. I think heapos;s a safe bet. Competent, experienced, not a lunatic. These are important qualities in a vice president.

on a less related note, i have friends who wonapos;t be voting for obama because heapos;s black. And because they think if he gets elected, the black people will rub it in all of our faces. Umm, what?�seriously?�iapos;m not saying that i have never said racist things before. I largely think the northeast is "less" racist than the south because there are fewer minorities here..and less culture clashing altogether. It can be tough in georgia. Thereapos;s so much self-segregation. Itapos;s a shame, really. But the race issue has to be about the dumbest reason not to vote for someone ever. It really frustrates me.

also, on the race note, i heard someone bitching lately because some blog said that tan was out. And that tan was their natural skin tone and now theyapos;re out?�uhh, clearly not. White people have had this obsession with being tan lately. And thatapos;s not so good, because itapos;s really damaging to the skin of pale people to tan like crazy. I know, iapos;ve done it. And iapos;m over it. Pale is pretty. But different ethnic groups have different standards of beauty. Darker skin colours tend to want to make their skin lighter, which is also damaging. Everyone should just learn to love what theyapos;ve got. Itapos;s all natural, and natural is beautiful. So my rant here is that saying that pale can be pretty is not racist. And seriously, weapos;ve all gotta stop throwing the race card at everything.

woo controversial post iapos;d say sorry if iapos;ve offended you, except that iapos;m not. Iapos;m getting really sick of this stupid election and all of the shit itapos;s dragging up and i wanted to vent about it so i can move on. Itapos;s likely that more rants are to come. Because itapos;s not over yet...ugh.

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cake kid like love that

Jesuuss crist please save me .

for starters my friends in the hospital :( like me and him arent even that close but somehow i feel like .. Idk its weird i feel so bad i wanna visit him but my friend matt told me i couldnt haha so im baking him a cake along w.chrisapos;s cake cuz its his b-day tmrw lols.

thennn ugh. Guy troubles. Seriously like right now i dont even know . Like i still talk to that kid .. But hes so controlling .. :/ nd he lies all the time but somehow i caant let him go . Like iknow its WRONG sososososooooo wrong to hold on but its like im watching mself do these stupid things but i cant stop it for the life of me . I want to so bad .. :( its killinggg me everyday that i stay with him , but like at the same time he makes me feel like i need him .. At the same time i like this other kid hes so sweeeeeeeeeet and adorableee <333 but idk like nothings going to happen w.that becasue of this other kid . Rjhwjasf idk.

im just an absolute mess right now .
save me from myself -__-
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


A favourite of the celeb guests from previous week, Partharsquo;s presence was a pleasant surprise for me. One of my personal favourites, Partha managed to yet again impress the celebrity guests with his incomparable performance. �

The celebrities suggested him to showcase his talent for the complex roles and not get typecast doing only comedy. Rohit also promised him a role in one of his future projects. Looks like someone has already made a mark as an actor.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

camera de surveillance video

1) What does QQ mean?
2) Has anyone else had trouble handing in quests this morning? Greymane in Searing Gorge, and I kept getting a message "Loading Eastren"somethingorotherthatIdontremember... Three quests, and I couldnt hand them in.
3)Addons - recs? Something simple and updated for the patch - I like to know the quest lvl. I like to know where the mines and things are that Ive already picked. I like to know where I need to go for a quest. And *whimpers* I adore auctioneer, but cant get it working at all....
any help, ideas, insults or peanuts?

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